Stacie Farmer

Endlessly learning

Step 3 - Install MySQL and PHP 7.4 + Extensions

September 26, 2020

Tutorial: How to Install Laravel 7 on VirtualBox VM Running Linux Mint 19

Our next step is installing MySQL, PHP 7.4, and the necessary extensions.

Let’s get started.

Install MySQL

1. Install MySQL server

  • Back in the terminal, run: sudo apt install mysql-server
  • When it asks if you want to continue
    • Type Y
    • Press the Enter/Return key

Terminal window with `sudo apt install mysql-server`

2. Run MySQL secure installation script

  • Once it’s finished installing, run: sudo mysql_secure_installation

Terminal window with `sudo mysql_secure_installation`

3. Secure settings for MySQL

  • It will ask you to specify a number of settings:
  • Validate Password Plugin
    • Type n to skip it

Just make sure you already use strong passwords all the time!

Terminal window asking if you want to setup the VALIDATE PASSWORD plugin

  • Root password
    • Enter a strong password and press the Enter/Return key
    • Type your password again and press the Enter/Return key

Terminal window asking you to enter and re-enter the password for MySQL root

  • Remove anonymous users?
    • Type y to remove them

Terminal window asking if you want to remove anonymous users

  • Disallow root login remotely?
    • Type y to disable remote root login

Terminal window asking if you want to disable remote root login

  • Remove test database and access to it?
    • Type y to remove them

Terminal window asking if you want to remove the test database and access to it

  • Reload privileges table now?
    • Type y to save your changes

Terminal window asking if you want to reload the privilege tables

4. Test MySQL is setup properly

  • To test your mysql database server is working, run: sudo mysql
  • You should now be logged into the MySQL monitor tool

Terminal logged into the MySQL monitor

  • To leave this screen, type exit and press the Enter/Return key

Terminal showing the MySQL monitor has been exited

Install PHP 7.4 and Necessary Extensions

Linux Mint 19.3 only comes with PHP 7.2, but Laravel 7 needs PHP version 7.4. To get it, we need to install a separate repository.

5. Install needed package

  • In terminal, run: sudo apt install software-properties-common
  • Enter your password if prompted

Terminal window with `sudo apt install software-properties-common`

6. Add the PHP repo

  • Once that’s finished, run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

Terminal window with `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php`

7. Run updates

  • To get the updates, run: sudo apt update

Terminal window with `sudo apt update`

8. Install PHP 7.4

  • To install PHP 7.4, run: sudo apt install php7.4

Terminal window with `sudo apt install php7.4`

  • When it asks if you want to continue, type y and press the Enter/Return key

9. Check PHP version

  • To make sure the correct version was installed, run: php -v
  • You should see the version as 7.4.x (mine was 7.4.7, but yours could be newer)

Terminal window showing the version of PHP (7.4.7) and other info about it

10. Install PHP extensions

  • To install the needed PHP extensions, run: sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-zip php-mbstring php-xml

Terminal window with `sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php php-mysql php-zip php-mbstring php-xml`

  • When it asks if you want to continue, type y and press the Enter/Return key

11. Create index.php file

  • Now, to check that PHP is working properly, create a file named ‘index.php’
  • You can use Text Editor or download Sublime Text or any IDE (Integrated Development Environment) using the Software Manager application
  • Add this code to the file: <?php phpinfo(); ?>

Text Editor open with `<?php phpinfo(); ?>` typed

  • Save the file in /var/www/html

Save As... screen for 'index.php' with the /var/www/html directory selected

12. Check that PHP works

  • Open a browser (like Firefox)
  • Navigate to localhost/index.php or
  • You should see the PHP info page

Firefox browser with the address 'localhost/index.php' displaying information about PHP

Next Steps

Continue on to the next post - Install Composer and Laravel