Some examples of my code and the different languages/frameworks I’ve used:
- FreeCodeCamp’s JavaScript Algorithms & Data Structure course projects:
- The site you’re on was built with Jekyll using Jekyll Now by Barry Clark. I’ve customized it (by adding collections, updating CSS, etc) to become the site you see here.
- Feed Reader App w/Laravel 9
- With this app, you can:
- add a new site and it will automatically find and import the feed.
- edit the site’s name or delete a feed.
- also read the entire post in the app, if the feed allows it.
- With this app, you can:
- FreeCodeCamp’s Scientific Computing with Python course projects:
- LeetCode Practice:
- Basic Quiz App
- In this basic quiz app, you can add as many questions as you’d like to the JS array.
- Once you’ve answered all the questions in the quiz, it will show your results.
- Daily Stoic Quotes Plugin
- To learn how to build a WordPress plugin, I built this very simple one that grabs a random quote from the Stoic Quotes API and displays it in the admin area