One Easy Way To Keep Your Website Secure
This one thing - you already know how to do it…for the most part.
We all know we should do it.
It pops up and reminds us over and over again.
But we don’t do it.
Because we’re busy. Because it doesn’t seem important. Because there are 20 other fires to put out right now.
But we HAVE to do it.
What is it? Updates.
Yes, updates are annoying.
Yes, we all hate having to do them.
And yes, they will probably save your website from getting hacked.
Updates are often for vulnerabilities that they knew about for a little while. If the company knew about it - you can guarantee a hacker (or many hackers) knew about it too.
Those hackers are cruising around the internet looking for devices with those vulnerabilities. They’re looking for your old, unpatched (‘not updated’) device right now.
Anything connected to the internet is at risk.
- Your POS (‘point-of-sale’) system.
- Your website.
- The phone you take payments on.
- Your shop’s security system that you can log in to remotely.
All. At. Risk.
If it can connect to the internet, it’s at risk.
One super easy thing you can do today to protect all the things - Run Those Updates!
I know it sucks. I promise I do. But if you want to save yourself tons of time, money, and a huge headache - prevent your technology from being comprised today. Run Those Updates!
At the absolute minimum, your:
- operating system should be updated to the most recent version
- browser should be updated
- WordPress (or any other CMS) site should be updated
- apps should be updated
- phone should be updated
- web server (if you host your own site) should be updated
- wifi router should be updated (and the default password should be changed - more on that later
Right now you can:
- Think of all your tech systems that might be connected to the internet
- Write them down (yes, all of them!)
- Go update them
- Turn on automatic updates if you can
- Set a monthly reminder for everything else
This is the easiest thing you can do right now to keep your website and technology secure.
Save your future self a headache and tons of time by preventing attacks today. Run Those Updates!